The series’ title, Random Access Memory, references a computer’s element of the same name (RAM). In this day and age, societal evolution seems to seek the optimization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance the quality of the human experience by automation of thought. My work relies solely on the use of the human mind, as a channel, to truly create, and truly enhance the human experience, not through automation, but through liberation from thought.

These paintings reflect surreal, dreamlike spaces that invite both imagination and remembrance of unexplored places. I use organic form and color movement, contrasted against straight-edge patterns and shapes that seem to invite the visual cortex to travel effortlessly from one plane to the next. By using a mix of divine creativity, intuition, and memory of past and future works, my aim is to give these seemingly abstract compositions a sense of tangible reality within our physical world, synched with a deeper sense of true connection to the self.